There is trained and untrained, which one are you?
“Train right. I promise 5 yards is all you need. Some would believe that a skilled professional only trains once, no. It takes time to understand the mechanics of a firearm. Round count is important and knowing your equipment is key. Train to know when your firearm is ready for rapid fire. Grip, stance, and trigger control are very important for you and the safety of anything around you. True grouping is the key to sight picture and alignment.”
-Instructor Young
Featured courses
Please read this important information:
*In order to maintain safety of all, no loaded firearms, live rounds/ ammunition, or unsafe practices are allowed in the classes. Live ammunition is only allowed during range time and must be purchased by the students.
*Range fees are also the responsibility of the student and are due to the range use facility for the time in use at the gun range. Please see the FAQ sheet for more information.
*FOID (Firearms Owner Identification) card is required prior to taking the CCL (Concealed Carry License) class.
*All the training classes have an initial fee in addition to the fee associated with the licenses payable to the State of Illinois. Fees due to the state are requested at the time of registration for completion. NO STUDENT IS PERMITTED TO CARRY WITHOUT COMPLETION OF THIS FINAL STEP AND MUST RECEIVE THE CCL LICENSE FROM THE STATE.
Select from the current services below:

Do you go to the shooting range often or have you owned your firearm for while but never clean it? This class will show you how to use, clean, maintain, pick the correct holster and how to safely carry and secure your firearm.

Illinois Concealed Carry Classes – $ 150
Personal safety is in your hands. Having a FOID card only allows you to own a firearm, not to carry on your person. Take the concealed carry class to apply for your concealed carry license. Obtain an understanding of Illinois state laws pertaining to your concealed carry license.
Basic Firearms Safety Fundamentals class
This class will teach you the basics on how you can be a safe firearm owner legally in the state of Illinois. Questions are answered relating to the laws, storage and safe handling of your firearm as well as how to secure your firearm in your home to avoid negligence and mishaps.
- basic knowledge of firearm safety
- proper stance
- proper grip
- loading/ unloading
- sight alignment
NOTE: For any of the beginner’s or basic classes a FOID (Firearm Owner’s Identification) is not required. We do ask for any of the other classes that you have this card or an active application on file with the Illinois State Police prior to signing up. Thank you

Beginner’s Class – $75
A safe class for individuals that have no knowledge of firearms and are interested in learning from the very beginning. This class is for you if you have no experience with a firearm or have never been to a gun shooting range

Personal Range Training 1:1 – $40/ hr (2hr Minimum)
Range time only one on one sessions –
Non class
Must purchase own ammo and range fee (in addition to the hourly rate)

Firearms Cleaning and Maintenance – $50
Cleaning for your own firearm, fee per firearm
Meet Your Instructor
Instructor A. Young
Instructor Young is certified by the USCCA (United States Conceal Carry Association) as well as certified by the Illinois State Police for CCL (Conceal Carry License) and BFSF (Basic Firearms Safety Fundamentals) courses.
Find out more information on how you can “GET TRAINED”.
What Our
students say

“I really learned a lot in my concealed carry class. Good quality training”
“The first time I have ever cleaned a firearm before. I was nervous at first but my Instructor has now helped me with the confidence I needed to clean more often after the range.”
“Didn’t really understand the difference in the laws and ordinances for the different cities and counties in Illinois until I took this class. Real knowledge from a real Instructor”